The ATM is one of the greatest innovations of the 20th Century and Banktech is looking to reinvent it for the new century.
Having an ATM dispense cash to their patrons will remain a core service for any pub or club however with more services being moved to mobile it is time to reinvent the ATM.
Banktech, the owner of the CashConnect ATM Network, has launched its revolutionary CashConnect ATMPlus, a new terminal that combines traditional ATM services with the functionality of a kiosk.
Pubs and clubs have focused strongly on security over recent years, and with the potential closure of bank branches, post offices and news agencies as well as the removal of bank ATMs, pubs and clubs are well positioned to play a much greater role in delivering innovative payment methods and other financial services.
“We are transitioning the ATM into the digital age.
We have taken a traditional ATM and added new hardware and software to offer a much wider range of transactions including depositing funds into mobile wallets, paying bills, sending funds – even converting foreign exchange. The possibilities are endless”.
CashConnect ATMPlus will allow venues to benefit from the digital economy. The ability to insert cash to enable digital transactions is unique and will be a service valued by all customers.”
– Henry Kiwarkis, GM Sales at Banktech.
There are many places and locations you can withdraw cash, but there are fewer places to load cash into wallets like PayPal or even pay bills with cash so offering this service on ATM Plus gives customers more convenience.
Banktech has already had a strong response from venues looking to upgrade to CashConnect ATMPlus.
“We demonstrated the ATMPlus terminal as a “concept device” at the AGE in August and the feedback was so good we decided to move quickly and roll it into production.
Initially we will allow cardholders to pay ATM fees and then bills using loyalty points but will quickly begin to roll-out other services. The CashConnect ATM Network comprises nearly 2,500 ATMs and we have had a lot of interest from digital providers wanting to deliver services via our ATM network.”
It makes sense. Offering more services encourages more foot traffic and therefore more revenue.”
Banktech, a wholly owned Australian business has invested heavily in payments technology establishing it as a payments processing business, EFTEX in 2000. EFTEX processes in excess of $5bn in annual payments and operates in 4 countries.
We have been ATM and technology providers to the hospitality industry for more than 25 years so we are well-known partners that understand the business. We also have international experience and often see trends in international markets well before they arrive here.
There is also an operational benefit to streamlining the services offered.
Venues are always looking to streamline the number of suppliers they deal with, so broadening the product and service offerings from existing ATMs fits with the strategic direction of large clubs and pub groups. This streamlining allows smaller pubs and clubs to deal with less suppliers saving time and money along the way.
Banktech has already started upgrading some key clients and will commence roll-out early in the new year.